We are very proud of our herd which are the smallest cattle native to Great Britain. We are breeding our cattle which are included on the Register of endangered cattle by the Rare Breeds Trust.
Not only are they super cute and friendly we aim to expand our herd considerably over the next few years . This conservation project hopes to expand upon the the herd to produce sustainable 100% grass fed native beef. Alternatives to the current intensively reared meat are needed urgently. We produce local humanly reared cattle being given access to the pasture all year round with the highest level of animal welfare . They graze our pasture with there family groups. A happy herd leads to tasty meat.
Experts say that if Aberdeen Angus is like a fine wine then Dexter is the champagne of beef. It is marbled throughout making it tender and has an amazing favour. Don’t take our word for it The Sunday times luxe just voted it the best meat!